NHL Interactive CyberEnterprises partnered with Neokom to help the NHL ICE reengineer and redesign the NHL.com web site.
The Neokom strategy team interviewed the NHL team, starting with the NHL.com editorial staff and going all the way to senior management. Neokom's strategy addressed the NHL's desire to become more of a hockey Portal with a focus on adding community tools to the site. Once the NHL strategy was approved, the Neokom Information Architecture team worked with NHL ICE, and reorganized the web site to improve navigation while maximizing sponsorship opportunities. NHL ICE, had selected WebObjects as the primary web application for the site.
Neokom worked with Apple to develop a powerful content management system utilizing the WebObjects application while providing full hosting, co-location and networking for the NHL site servers.
The Neokom team designed a new interface that utilized information modules which would enable the site editor to assemble pages following a 250 page NHL.com style guide. In addition, a new innovation for league sites was developed called "NHL Local''. This pop-up allows the NHL fan to keep their team specific content available to them at all times. The pop-up offers video and audio streaming, team specific headlines and team specific stats. It remains available to the fan even after they point the main browser page to other web sites.
Reaction to the redesigned site was extremely positive [the NHL does a redesign annually, Neokom's design was for the 2000 season). The NHL reported significant increase in web traffic.
NHL Interactive CyberEnterprises partnered with Neokom to help the NHL ICE reengineer and redesign the NHL.com web site.
The Neokom strategy team interviewed the NHL team, starting with the NHL.com editorial staff and going all the way to senior management. Neokom's strategy addressed the NHL's desire to become more of a hockey Portal with a focus on adding community tools to the site. Once the NHL strategy was approved, the Neokom Information Architecture team worked with NHL ICE, and reorganized the web site to improve navigation while maximizing sponsorship opportunities. NHL ICE, had selected WebObjects as the primary web application for the site.
Neokom worked with Apple to develop a powerful content management system utilizing the WebObjects application while providing full hosting, co-location and networking for the NHL site servers.
The Neokom team designed a new interface that utilized information modules which would enable the site editor to assemble pages following a 250 page NHL.com style guide. In addition, a new innovation for league sites was developed called "NHL Local''. This pop-up allows the NHL fan to keep their team specific content available to them at all times. The pop-up offers video and audio streaming, team specific headlines and team specific stats. It remains available to the fan even after they point the main browser page to other web sites.
Reaction to the redesigned site was extremely positive [the NHL does a redesign annually, Neokom's design was for the 2000 season). The NHL reported significant increase in web traffic.